What shape does color have? This is one of the central questions being pursued by Bernd Wolf in his extensive non-representational color paintings. These unintentional paintings are deeply influenced by intense preoccupation with East Asian culture and philosophy, and the I-Ching. The art itself is radicalized through the omission of all aids and the paint is applied only with bare hands. In the last years of his work, large-format images consistently emerged in a paint application alla prima, wet on wet. With the strictly orthogonal picture shape, in always the same format, the artist creates conditions in which the image arises as if by itself. In this way, the artistic process represents an experimental arrangement in which the painter gives a chance to the uncontrollable in a strict and accelerated setting. The image coagulates the condition of its creative process. Free of scale, the paintings respond to the perspective of the recipient. In the artist’s opinion, a picture painted without purpose is not finished until it has found its viewer. The image surface is a projection plane on which viewers recognize and encounter themselves.